Thursday, January 3, 2008         6:30 P.M.










Committee: Jen Belesca, Beverly Johnson, Ken Pelton, Carol White, Chair, and Jerry Wiles.

Administration: Superintendent/Principal Alton L. Hadley

Guest: Vicki Todd


1.             Call to Order

Carol White, Chair, called the meeting to order at 6:35 PM.


2.             Flag Salute

White led the C0mmittee and those present in the salute to the flag.


3.      Approval of Agenda                                                    (A)

         Motion to approve the Agenda as printed.

         Moved- Johnson, seconded- Pelton                    Approved            5-0-0


4.      Approval of Minutes                                                    (A)

         Motion to approve the minutes of the meeting on December 18, 2007.

         Moved- Belesca, seconded- Johnson                   Approved            5-0-0


5.      Correspondence                                                           (I)

Hadley reported to the Committee that the school had received notification of a $250. Grant from the Healthy Casco Bay Group.  That money will go to help support the Physical Education Program purchase snowshoes and pedometers.


6.      Public Comment


7.      Reports                                                                      (I)(D)

·      School Board Chair

White reported:

a.    that the Town had fulfilled its $3.5 million payment to MSAD #51 and Cumberland. 

b.    Her conversation with P. Lowe re: Superintendentıs contract had reminded her that the Committee and needs to complete an evaluation later this spring.

c.    That this is the Grant Application season          and offered to assist the school or teachers in preparing applications.


·      Superintendent/Principal/SPED Director

Hadley reported that our most recent water test for e-coli and coliform both came back negative.


Hadley also reported that the school had received a check for $350. from the Box Tops Program.  The 3-5 Classroom students held a cookie-dough fundraiser and raised nearly $700. toward their end of the year trip.  Boston, Quebec, and a schooner trip have been discussed.  More to follow!!


8.      Old Business                                                               (I)(D)(A)

a.             Policy ADF – Commitment to Learning Results

The Committee reviewed Policy ADF- Commitment to Learning Results.

Motion to approve Policy ADF for final reading.

Moved- Johnson, seconded- Belesca            Approved            5-0-0


b.             Continue Goal Setting

Belesca distributed and read Policy AD- Mission Statement to the Committee for review and discussion.  Belesca had shared the statement with others from the community and felt that it had been acceptable to parents and community.

Motion to approve Policy AD Mission Statement as presented for a first reading.

Moved- Belesca, seconded- Wiles                Approved            5-0-0


c.             Finalize Superintendent/Principal Contract

The Committee spent some time reviewing the Superintendentıs Contract for 2008-2010.  White felt that it should reflect the fact that the Superintendent also fills the role of Principal and oversees the Special Education Program.  Hadley agreed and saw no problem with reflecting his roles in the contract.


9.      New Business                                                              (I)(D)(A)

a.              Warrant #10

The Committee reviewed and signed Warrant # 10


b.             Financial Report December 2007

Hadley distributed the December Financial Report and reviewed the areas that the Committee and he need to maintain a diligent oversight on.  He assured the Committee that the Budget is on target and anticipates no major concerns other than energy costs.


10.     Other Business

·      Committee asked if Mary Holt could be at a future meeting to give overview of the Special Education Program.  Hadley will make the necessary arrangements.

·      It was pointed out that there are inventors living on the Island and the school should make an effort to invite them into the classrooms.

·      Johnson will invite former CIS students to attend our next meeting to discuss the trials and tribulations of transitioning to the GMS.


11.     Adjourn

         Without objection, the meeting was adjourned at 8:20 PM.



A- ACTION                  D- DISCUSSION          I- INFORMATION